NTN Corporation


New Products


August 8, 2007

Development of “Short Type Auto Tensioner for Auxiliary Belt” for Passenger Cars

[ Downsizing and design flexibility on auxiliary layout is possible by shortening of overall length! ]

NTN Corporation (hereafter, NTN) developed “A short type Auto Tensioner for auxiliary belt”. Its overall length is shorter than the conventional type and this contributes greatly to improving the design flexibility of auxiliaries.

The drive system for auxiliaries is changing from a multi-belt system in which each auxiliary such as an alternator is driven by a separate belt, to the serpentine system where multiple auxiliaries are driven by a single belt. In the case of the serpentine system, the downsizing and weight reduction of the engine is now possible. On the other hand, the belt becomes longer as well as the elongation of the belt. Because of this, the belt tension adjustment by the Auto Tensioner is absolutely essential for noise prevention and life improvement of the belt. Further more, a short type Auto Tensioner (overall length) is required for the serpentine system since multiple auxiliary pulleys are laid out on the belt running surface.

Based upon NTN's unique idea, NTN developed a check valve mechanism using an elastic ring in place of the conventional type which uses a steel ball. The use of an elastic ring makes it possible to shorten the overall length of the Auto Tensioner and to reduce the number of the components, while still maintaining the same performance as NTN's conventional product. Also, a weight reduction of the Auto Tensioner is realized by locating the return spring that provides the initial belt tension inside the cylinder and applying plastic resign material to some of the components.
(*)Check valve mechanism is to generate oil pressure damping force for tension adjustment of auxiliary belt

NTN is presenting this product to the global market, proposing it to potential customers in response to the recent needs for downsizing and weight reduction of engines.

[ Features ]

  (In comparison with NTN's conventional product)
(1) Shortened overall length   14mm (15%) Distance between fulcrums is shortened
(2) Light weight   25g (10%) reduction

[ Application ]

Auxiliary drive belt tension adjustment for passenger cars

[ Product Photo ]

Product Photo


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