
New SMD Feeders Announced

NTN has developed two new SMD Feeders: One is a SMD Feeder with Image Processor. This high speed unit was developed for aligning micro-electronic components with their correct sides facing upward and forward to the next processing device with the highest precision. The second new SMD Feeder has an auto-eject mechanism. This new unit was developed for use in aligning resin based components and is capable of automatically ejecting off-line components in its parts feeding process with the fastest supply speed in the industry

1.Development Background

Electronic assembly often requires the alignment of micro-electronic components with both their correct sides facing upward and forward. However, the number of components with the identification mark too small to tell which is back and forward is increasing. These components require the use of an image processor for their alignment. The precision of existing SMD feeders with image processors, prior to the new NTN unit, is relatively low. Accordingly, the market is in need of a SMD feeder with both a high precision and high speed image processor.
It has also been observed in the manufacturing process of chip Light-Emitting Diodes, as used in external illuminants for LCD displays for example, that trouble often occurs within the parts feeder due to minute external weld flashes. This has been seen in the high precision alignment of resin based parts where static electricity often occurs. This has led to a lowered production rate.

2. Outline of Product

1) SMD Feeder with Image Processor

Target Parts: Micro electronic components that require the correct sides facing upward and forward, but the identification mark is not large enough to recognize with standard SMD feeders.

Through the addition of new NTN technology, a new proprietary mechanism (patent pending)for processing micro electronic components with minute identification marks at high-speed. Through this NTN has achieved the highest level of high precision alignment and high-speed supply in the industry. We have created a machine of simple construction and high durability by simply employing NTN's proprietary alignment mechanism and image processing.

2) SMD Feeder with Auto-eject Mechanism

Target Parts: Resin based small electronic components

NTN has developed an automatic ejection mechanism which ejects off-line parts out of the parts feeder, resulting in drastically improving production rate. NTN has succeeded in employing measures to neutralize static electricity with ionized air, and a straight feeder alignment style, creating reliable aligned supply to the world's highest standard.

3. Features

    1) SMD Feeder with Image Processor
    • High precision alignment and high-speed supply: 99.99% precision alignment, and high-speed supply of up to 400-units/ minute. (1608 size.)
    • Simple mechanism of high durability
    • Adapts to any identification mark with the press of a button
    2) SMD Feeder with Auto-eject Mechanism
    • An extremely high utilization rate of 99.99%
    • World's highest speed supply capability of 1500-units/ minute. (LED 1608 chip),
    • Compact (3/4 of machine to date)

4. Target Parts

  • SMD Feeder with Image Processor

Chip parts polarized to forward and backward

  • SMD Feeder with Auto-eject Mechanism

Resin based SMD parts such as chip LED, CR filters, EMI filters, and Tantalum condensers, where the dimensional precision of external markings is difficult to discern. Also work where static electricity occurs easily.

5. Sales Volume: 5 billion yen yearly

SMD Feeder with Image Processor
SMD Feeder with Auto-eject Mechanism
