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Towards Carbon Neutrality

Towards Carbon Neutrality

NTN Group aims to realize a sustainable “NAMERAKA Society” where people can easily lead a secure and fulfilling life in harmony with nature through practicing its corporate philosophy of “We shall contribute to international society through creating new technologies and developing new products” and contributing to solving the social issues surrounding the world.

Regarding responses to climate change, we are conducting business activities with one of items of our Environment Policy: “Developing technology that contributes to prevention of global warming.”

Through developing and providing products such as bearings and driveshafts which contribute to energy saving by reducing friction, we contribute to reduction of energy loss in various industries including automobiles.

Additionally, we contribute to growth of renewable energy market through developing and providing products for wind turbines and independent power supply such as “NTN Green Power Station” and “N3 N-CUBE” which generate electricity from renewable energy.

In addition to product development, we are making efforts to reduce CO2 emission from the entire business activities including manufacturing and logistic. By implementing initiatives such as green procurement, we are actively working to reduce environmental impact in the entire supply chain as well.

Since May 2021, NTN has been supporting recommendations from TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures). Currently, we are promoting scenario analysis of business effects due to risks and opportunities posed by climate change and establishment of KGI and KPI for 13 items of our materiality.

NTN Group will further accelerate these initiatives, aiming to make CO2 emission zero in direct emission generated by burning fuel (Scope 1) and indirect emission by consuming electricity (Scope 2) in FY2035. We will achieve zero emission in the entire supply chain (Scope 3) in FY2050.

Carbon neutrality within NTN Group
(Scope 1, Scope 2)
Carbon neutrality including supply chain
(Scope 3)